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On reflection , a day in the life at Fountains ...

Opening times Mon, Tues, Wed 08.15 - 17.00

Thurs, Fri 08.45- 15.30


The experienced, caring staff are ready to welcome the children from 08.15 and are greeted with a big, welcoming, smile. The children wash their hands on arrival and a staff member completes the safeguarding record of who has dropped the child off and who will be picking them up, and at what time. 


The activities are set out for the children to participate in that promote the EYFS, the activities are varied and give the children learning opportunities to fill their individual 'backpack' with experiences which in turn extends the knowledge and understanding of each individual. Learning resources are available for children to use to enhance their play or further their interests. 

We have a group time at 10am where the children listen for their names as the register is called and we take this time to share and take turns in listening to others and then taking turns to talk, we sing, use team activities, such as the lycra, the parachute, musical instruments or action songs. This group time promotes the EYFS prime areas, giving the children experiences of PSED, Communication and language and physical development.


We continue to play, read a story or sing and then 4 children are chosen to wash their hands for snack. This could be crackers, breadsticks, scotch pancakes, crisps, cereal, toast, sandwich, a biscuit or wobbly jelly. Fruit is available everyday and 1/3 pint of milk daily. All dietary requirements are discussed with parents and taken into consideration and adhered to.

Each child has a name plate which they post in the red box to 'pay' for their snack. The children eat their snack in a small group of 4 at a time to promote confidence in speaking in a small group. Manners and independence are promoted at this time. The children wash their hands after eating and continue in their free flow playing. If the child has a specific interest, then the staff plan for this to encourage the individual to take their interest further and enhance their learning.

After snack, we tidy up; caring for our resources we use our outdoors for physical play, cars, tractors, balls, hoops, the playhouse, balancing beam, digging area, mud kitchen, sand tray, small world or simply sitting and reading or drawing. We play outdoors until lunch time, when we go back indoors and wash our hands then sit on the carpet area to chat about what we have been doing and sing nursery rhymes together whilst lunch is being dished up into bowls for the children to serve themselves. 


The children can bring a healthy packed lunch or order one of the school lunches. (See example school menu)

After the children have finished eating they go to wash their hands and then go to find a book and share stories with each other. We encourage them to ‘read’ from the pictures and find familiar letters in the books.

We go outdoors again during the afternoon at some point as we, as early years practitioners, realise fresh air is vital for a healthy childs mind.

Our sessions end at 12 noon for those children that don't want to stay all day or 13.00 if they stay for lunch but not the afternoon. 

The afternoon activities are explained to the group, following our loose theme of learning. 

The children have free flow of what activities they choose. They can interact with planned activities:

- maths table

- creative table

- mark making area

- construction area

- funky fingers area (fine motor skills)
- tuff tray 

- small world

- playdough area

There is an afternoon snack time then the children gather up their belongings and get ready for home, they sit on the carpet area for a story, parachute, lycra or singing and leave when the member of staff calls their name as their parent/ carer arrives at the gate. The staff member signs the child out on their departure. 

15.25 is HOME TIME for some children others stay in our care for further fun and games until 17.00. At the end of the day the staff reflect on the childrens learning and prepare for another fun day tomorrow. 

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