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To make sure that our provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. We work to the requirements of the Special Educational Needs & Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015).

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Dawn Rogers

Fountains Playgroup and Pre-School offer places for children with special educational needs / disabilities.

We know and appreciate that all children have individual needs; and from time to time an individual might need additional help or support to help them learn and develop to their full potential. Our aim is to support you and your child, to ensure their individual needs are met, no matter how big or small.

The staff will support each child in our care so they have fun, enjoy their early years and learn through their play.

The following explains how we aim to support families of children with special needs and/ or disabilities in helping them to understanding the provision we make accessible.

If a child’s needs are different or additional to the needs of other children of a similar age, we may describe them as having special educational needs. We also support the additional needs that the children with disabilities may have in a similar way, which is why we describe the support available as being for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Every child at Fountains Playgroup and Pre-School is allocated a key person, this person will be close to the child, and their family, and the key person will know him/her and will be the first contact in the setting. We understand the partnership with the child and their family is vital and to help build this relationship we, amongst other things, hold settling in plans, create a learning journal that is shared with parents frequently and engage in daily contact with the parents/ carers.

How does the setting know your child is in need of extra support/ has SEND?  
What do you do if you, the parent/carer thinks your child has SEND? All children at Fountains Playgroup are assessed using the developmental stages in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). If you are concerned and think your child has additional or different needs to other children, then please have a chat with their allocated key person. Your key person may be able to put your mind at rest and assure you that there is nothing to worry about. Children develop at different rates depending on their abilities. However, if you are still concerned, your key person will suggest that you both discuss this with the groups Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCo) This named person is Dawn Rogers, or if it is a behavioural issue then Emma Spick is the named Behavioural co-ordinator. We will all work closely together to decide the right pathway for your child and decide what is the correct level of support we will put in place.

How will Fountains Playgroup staff support my child? 
You, the parents, your child's key person and the SENCo will all meet together and agree an individual learning and provision plan (ILPP). This plan will set out appropriate and achievable targets that will be worked on over an allocated time scale, usually 6 to 8 weeks. At the end of this period we will arrange a meeting to review achievements made and celebrate together, we may then set new targets, or we may at that point decide no further action is needed, perhaps we will decide to monitor your child to ensure the improvement continues. If your child has not reached targets, we may seek advice from other professionals who can provide additional support for both you and the setting to help with planning.

How will we prepare and support your child to join the setting, help transition to a new setting or the next stage of education and life?

Transitions are extremely important to us at Fountains and we recognise that all children will not be able to learn and develop to the best of their ability if they are not feeling safe and emotionally secure. We encourage parents and children into the setting before starting and meet their key person and SENCo. This allows you to discuss any concerns you have, or your child’s individual needs. It is important to us that your child meets their key person and begin to form an attachment before they start with us and leave their special and loving parents/carers. ALL settling in periods are based on individual needs and we work with both parents and the children’s needs to achieve the best possible transition possible during the Covid19 pandemic. We are also happy to meet and welcome into the setting any professionals you already have contact with that can support us in working with your child. We aim to have everything needed in place before your child starts to allow the smooth transition.

If your child has additional medical needs, we will work closely with you to write an individual medical plan, this will reassure you everything is in place to meet the individual needs of your child. We review medical plans regularly and whenever there is any change.

How do we support transition to primary school?  
When it is time for your child to move into school we will arrange a meeting with the reception teacher from your chosen school; this will ensure we pass on all relevant information. You are invited to attend any stage of any transition. We will do everything we can to explain to the primary school your child’s every need; the primary school teacher will be invited to attend review meetings so that they are aware of your child’s current abilities and individual learning needs.

Who can I contact for more information?

Your key person and SENCo are your first point of contact. However, if you are unhappy with information given to you please contact the Inclusion Officers for North Yorkshire Children and Young Peoples Service. Ripon Children's Centre will be able to give you their contact details. You may wish to follow our complaints procedure; this is available in our policy file, available by email on request. You can also contact Ofsted directly on 0300 1231231. You can identify staff through our photographs on the parents’ notice board in the cloakroom.

What are the settings responsibilities in enabling and supporting inclusive practice?

Every member of staff is committed to inclusive practice. The manager, Dawn Rogers has overall responsibility for inclusion. Dawn attends special educational needs and disability (SEND) network meetings to ensure her knowledge is current and up to date. Appropriate training is sought when required. We also continually reassess our ethos, policies and practice to ensure that our environment is inclusive and that the resources reflect diversity positively and that we celebrate our differences.

How will I know how my child is doing?

We will ensure that you are informed of your child’s progress regularly and a member of staff will speak to you on collection of your child to explain how he/she has been through the session. You will be invited to all review meetings that are held and also any other meetings involving other professionals. You will be informed of any professional that is coming into the setting to see your child. Our aim is to always involve and include parents at all times. Your child’s ILPP will have clear targets and you will be able to see whether your child is achieving their targets; you will be invited to review these with us and set new ones. Every 2 year old has a progress check written on them (between 24 and 36 months); this will help identify any concerns at an early age. You are free to take home/ have a look and write comments in your child’s individual progress file. Parent evenings and daily conversations take place.  Please feel free to talk to your key person at any time, we are always happy to listen.

What support is there for my child’s physical and emotional wellbeing?

We ensure any child with additional medical needs has an individual health care plan. Parents are involved in writing this, your input is valuable and also any advice from professionals involved with your child. It will be reviewed regularly and when any changes occur. You will be informed of anything we are doing to support your child’s health needs and who is responsible for this. You will also have contact with staff members to discuss any medicines that need to administered. A record needs completing on administering medication. You will be informed of how your child’s personal care will be carried out. Children’s emotional wellbeing is paramount to us and we take every care to ensure that children feel safe and comfortable with us at Fountains. Any inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with and discussed with you. Emma Spick will work with your child to turn any negative behaviour into positive behaviour.

What specialist services/expertise is available or can be accessed by the staff at Fountains?

Staff are highly trained and have experiences in a broad range of additional needs. Dawn Rogers attends SEND training, when available. We have had training and cared for children with autism, downs syndrome, cerebral palsy, developmental delay and behavioural issues. Fountains Playgroup staff work closely and hold good relationships with professionals involved with these children to name a few, portage, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, autism outreach, speech and language therapist.

How will staff help me to support my child’s learning?

You will be given a copy of your child’s ILPP so you know exactly what we are working on and you will be able to work on these targets too. You will be invited to attend ILPP meetings as we value your input. Your key person will explain to you how the targets are best being implemented. You can access their learning journal at any time, this shows your child’s day to day learning and development as they learn through play at Fountains.

Will my child be included in outings/ learning outside the setting?

We have planned 3 trips over the school year, in recent years; due to Covid19 this will be reviewed. NO child would ever be excluded from our organised outings, trips or when visitors are in the setting. Staff will chat with you to decide on the best way that your child can be included. We complete risk assessments for every outing this helps to reduce risks to any child’s safety.

How are children supported that speak English as an additional language?

We aim to support any child that speaks English as an additional language (EAL) and can use translation services as required. We aim to use key words from the child’s home language, if this is what parents want. We would ask parents to assess their child’s communication ability in their home language so that we can ensure that their speech is developing well if they don’t yet speak English. We would encourage families to tell us about their home culture and invite them in to share celebrations and special events.

How accessible is the setting?

Our building is on one level and is wheelchair accessible. We provide small toilets for the children; this builds their independence and self-esteem. We also have a disabled toilet in the playgroup building. We welcome children into Fountains that are still wearing nappies or toilet training and we work closely with parents following their preferred way of working. We work together to reduce any barriers for the child or their family. We can access additional Inclusion Funding, if required and parents can access 2 year old funding.

How are the settings resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

If specific resources are required to meet a child’s individual needs, we can apply to access funding from local authority. We always aim to meet every child’s individual needs.

At Fountains Playgroup and Pre-School we are committed to supporting the inclusion of every child and work closely with parents and other professionals involved to ensure that every child’s needs are met so they can learn, develop and achieve to their full potential.

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